
dlcain avatar image
dlcain asked

Victron Connect showing wrong total network power

Hi there,

I have 2 SmartSolar 100/50s and a SmartShunt running in a VE-Smart network. All are running current firmware and software. The Total Network Power in Victron Connect is only showing the power from one of the 100/50s. If I remove everything from the network and shut down everything and re-start, then re-add everything to the networks it works, but only for a day or 2. Anyone know how to fix this?

VE.Smart Network
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5 Answers
mkuiken avatar image
mkuiken answered ·


Can you verify that all devices (particularly the SmartSolars) are visible in the VE.Smart Networking settings page?

If possible, can you share screenshots of the VE.SmartNetworking page when connected to each of the individual devices?

Also screenshots from both the solar status screen might be helpful (I expect 1 to be showing the Network total power and not the other, right?)

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dlcain avatar image
dlcain answered ·

Here you go.





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dlcain avatar image
dlcain answered ·

Any suggestions?

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mkuiken avatar image
mkuiken answered ·

I'm trying to understand what's happening here. Hopefully you can do some testing to give insight on what is happening.

Assuming that SmartSolar1 is the unit which has a different PV Power and Total PV Power (151w vs 325W in your screenshot) can you try:

1. only for SmartSolar1, to disable the charger in the settings menu (Settings->Battery->Charger enabled)? Please enable it again after 10 seconds

If 1. doesn't solve the issue can you then try:

2. only for SmartSolar1, to remove the charger from the VE.Smart Network and join the same network again after 10 seconds?

Additionally ... if 1 & 2 do not solve the issue, can you repeat both actions for SmartSolar2?

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Maddy avatar image
Maddy answered ·

I know I'm late to the party, but I had a similar issue after I updated my two networked MPPTs this morning (v1.53 -> 1.59 I believe). The state after update was:

- MPPT 1: Displays 'Solar' at the top and 'Network total power' at the bottom as the same value (in VictronConnect).

- MPPT2: Displays 'Solar' at the top as a smaller value than 'Network total power', which is what I would expect to see.

Both MPPTs were still showing up as part of the network, receiving battery voltage and current sense from my BMV-712 Smart.

After reading this and other threads, and considering, I decided to disable charging for 10 seconds on MPPT 1 because it was the one displaying incorrect values. I did this, and it has returned to normal! Fingers crossed that it stays that way.

Hope this helps someone.

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david-p avatar image david-p commented ·

Thanks maddy. I had the same issue and disabling charging for a few seconds fixed it. Nice work! Might be a bug in there somewhere.

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VE.Smart Networking Manual