
Johan Pool avatar image
Johan Pool asked

AC Loads on CCGX only shows 1W load

Can anyone help please.

The loads on my CCGX stays on 1W even though the output to loads is 6.8A @ 230V , the CCGX should read ±1564W. What could be the reason

CCGX Color Control
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Warwick Bruce Chapman avatar image Warwick Bruce Chapman commented ·

Please provide more information about the setup. Are you running ESS? Do you have an energy meter?

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Johan Pool avatar image Johan Pool Warwick Bruce Chapman commented ·

Hi Warwick,

Than you for responding to my question, we got the issue resolved. I switched everything off and everything on again and the issue was sorted out.

Again my thanks


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1 Answer
Johan Pool avatar image
Johan Pool answered ·

Hi Warwick,

Thank you very much for responding to my question, the issue was resolved. I switched everything off and also isolated the panels and the batteries and after restoring everything the consumption readings showed again on the CCGX



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