
kalito avatar image
kalito asked

CerboGX Generator Start/Stop Time band

Is it possible to have this function only run in a particular time period? For instance between 10:00hrs and 15:00hrs.

I've two contactors which I wish to control on NO/NC based on state of charge. For instance using the CerboGX start/stop I can stop when SOC >98% and start when SOC<95%. In reality its an inverse operation in that by Stoping I am actually energising one contactor and by starting I am energising another.

I noticed there are some quiet hours settings which I have tried to use with the time period but with no such luck. Can quiet house stop the logic from functioning? For instance set to 15:00hrs to 10:00hrs?

I know this function was designed to start/stop a genset but I wish to use it to control an external circuit. Much appreciated if some one knows how to time bind this function. @mvader (Victron Energy) any ideas?

cerbo gxgenerator start on soc
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1 Answer
mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image
mvader (Victron Energy) answered ·

Hi, I'm not sure what is possible in all corner cases with the normal generator start stop function; you'll have to try.

What I do know is for other types switching, Venus OS Large will give you (sort of) unlimited flexibility:

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kalito avatar image kalito commented ·

Interesting. But what really was the intention of Quiet Hours? I have read that you could set lower triggers so that Quiet hours become when necessary runtime. So does the tech ignore Quiet Hours?

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ kalito commented ·

To set for example a lower start-my-generator soc at night

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kalito avatar image kalito kalito commented ·

Downloading the Venus Large. The read on it sounds very very interesting. Will try it out and report back

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