
Paul B avatar image
Paul B asked

Git Hub and downloading files

I am finding it very difficult to use this github

could someone please explain how to do this in a easy step by step process, PLEASE

As there seem to be different files some have a download button and others don't and some download with github links all inside and the files are useless.

Yes I might be dumb but this system to me just seems useless, and so hard to use and understand with no instructions, and I would presume that I am not the only one but then I might just have blinkers on and missing something so simple

1. download files as a example

2. I can download these

3. but these have github all inside the files

An then I see all these useful screens popping up in post from time to time and different scrips etc ,

AGAIN to me there needs to be a list somewhere on how to pull all this info together for everyone to see.

cerbo gx
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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem commented ·

I have rewritten the Mobile Overview enhancements and incorporated a few other GUI tweaks. The new location is:

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2 Answers
laurenceh avatar image
laurenceh answered ·

Saddly GitHub is not a thing that forces you to get it right. Everyone who posts to their own GitHub space is the master of their own space and can make their own mistakes. It is simply that everyone is at a slightly different place on the learning curve so saddly there will not be any consistency.

GitHub does allow people to “contribute” by suggesting changes to code or projects, but that requires the owner of any code or project to curate or moderate the additions which is time consuming and a skill in itself.

So sadly I don’t think your question has an answer. Apparently I get it more right than many, my project is here with a README that people have said is useful.

But this is only one project out of many.

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Paul B avatar image Paul B commented ·

Many thanks for your reply, and I get that, but there has to be a better solution that this, yes I can se that you can directly upload to the cerbo etc , but its not very informative, and yes I agree its upto each dev to set it up as well.

1. you cant find a list of addons that are made for the victron gear that I am aware of

2. if the addons idea is to work fully then its got to be shown in some form of list

3. these addons are also going to be installed by novice users with basic to med knowledge as well so its got to be simple to use

4. Its great that is is happening at ALL but something needs to be done soon or it will get extremely confusing

5. for sure its not victrons responsibility but a group service of some sort with maybe a commercial chargeable service solution , maybe a viable solution

anyway I hope this may get some discussions going along

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Ole Saether avatar image
Ole Saether answered ·

Hi @Paul B
GitHub is a version control system. Here are a couple of links where you can learn more about GitHub:

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