
shaneyake avatar image
shaneyake asked

Automatic Master Selection on Boot


Can you guys please add a feature where the GX can change the master and number of inverters in a parallel group. This would allow you to restart a system if the master or one of the slaves die.
This is really helpful in a lot of situations.
I would have it that the system would fault and on the advanced page it would have start without all members option. So that I can turn off the circuit breakers to the faulty inverter and get the system running again in a matter of minutes.
Obviously it would then have reduced capacity but that is easy to fix by turning off some loads or I could design systems with an extra inverter for redundancy but I need to make the inverters cold swappable without a laptop. Obviously would need same VEconfig file preloaded.

Please let me know if this is possible.



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1 Answer
Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Hi @shaneyake

your wish has partly been realised already:

Remote VEConfigure: automatically detect a replaced unit

This feature is directed towards installers and operators of large systems. In the unfortunate event that one inverter/charger module in a larger parallel-, split- or three-phase system needs replacing, this can now be done remotely. The steps involved are:

  1. Read the configuration of the whole system (or use an existing Remote VEConfigure file)
  2. Physically replace the failed unit
  3. Write the configuration. At this step the system will automatically detect that a previous device is missing, and it will discover a new device with an unknown serial number. It will assume that the new device is a replacement, and write the settings accordingly.
  4. (optionally) Read the new configuration file and store in your records.

Note that before starting above, make sure to update the new unit to the same version of VE.Bus firmware, which unfortunately can’t be done remotely.

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shaneyake avatar image shaneyake commented ·

This is great, Thanks.
I have used remote VE.Config but didn't know it would automatically add the new devices to parallel group.

Is there a technical reason why the master can not be dynamically decided if all configs and firmwares are the same?



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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ shaneyake commented ·

Yes; the core of the comms protocol doesn’t support it. So that generation of inverters will never get such features.

newer generations might or will.

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