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squarej asked

GX Touch QML modification - Where are these functions defined?

I don't have a Multi or Quattro but still want to show AC power information on the power flow GX Touch screen. In the QML file(s) there are functions that get data to populate the screen, where are these functions defined?

My ultimate goal is to use a current sensor like the ET112 which will send current values to the Cerbo. You can see the current value in a sub menu but I want to bring that value to the power flows screen.

For example in overviewHub.qml -> sys.acLoad:

values: OverviewAcValues {

connection: sys.acLoad


cerbo gx
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1 Answer
mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image
mvader (Victron Energy) answered ·

Hi, are there no .js files somewhere? Look for include statements at top of qml

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