
markj avatar image
markj asked

Multiplus 12 1200 50

I have a Multiplus 12 1200 50 to install. The printed manual that came with it says to use 50mm2 cables to connect to the leisure batteries, but online the manual says to use 35mm2. Which is correct, please?


BMV Battery Monitor
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2 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


Go with the 50mm.

Bigger cable means less losse especially if you have a slightly longer run. And 1200va needs 100A from a 12v system to run at max load.

Victron have a toolkit app to check if you like.


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markj avatar image
markj answered ·

Thanks. Putting my numbers in gives 0.4 or 0.6% for the two sizes. Very short cable runs. Either seems fine to me?

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·


Either is fine if your runs are short. We always get as big as practically possible so if you can, do go bigger.

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