
carl-dewever avatar image
carl-dewever asked

use victron connect to connect to Cerbo only over bluetooth (no vrm access)

My system on my boat has with the following components :
- multiplus compact 12/1600/70
- cerbo gx (no screen as I don't want to add another screen)
- smartshunt
I would like to command my system when not connected to the internet (when at sea, no vrm portal access).
Things I would like to do is eg : turn off the inverter, take a look at the load
I see 2 options to connect :
- connect over bluetooth to the cerbo gx
- connect to the wifi ap of the cerbo gx

However, when using option bluetooth, all i manage to do is to change the network settings of the cerbo gx, i am not able to change any settings of my multiplus connected to my cerbo, i am not able to open the console, I cannot see the state of charge of my battery system.

When I connect to the wifi ap, I am able to open the console on the local ip-address and I can see and do what I need

Now, my questions are :

- is this a normal situation? Am I missing something?
- why can't I fully manage the Cerbo over bluetooth?

Thanks in advance for all input!

cerbo gx
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1 Answer
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

Note - Bluetooth functionality is limited to the features mentioned above. It is intended to be used to assist with initial connection and networking configuration. You cannot use Bluetooth to connect to other Victron products (e.g. SmartSolar charge controllers). For more information about how to connect other Victron products, please see Connecting Victron products

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