
eddieproc avatar image
eddieproc asked

multiplus switching from inverter to mains


multiplus 24 5000 120.

works fine off battery bank. when I fire generator, the battery charger works fine, but the AC output trips the RCD for the whole house immediately..

So I presently have the option of AC in house or battery charging, not both simultaneously.

This is a new phenomenum on a 3 year old installation. The installation has not changed, there is no change in appliances or usage in the house.

In inverter mode AC output is fine. Does the multiplus regulate the "cutting through" AC output in some way?.

Hard to understand Generator is at fault as multiplus chages batteries just fine

any thoughts appreciated

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


Most times the RCD tripping is caused by a neutral earth connection after the inverter. Some light dimmers also mess with them a bit as well

Time changes things in a system, you get corrosion on connections in the power lines and even in the house, connections work loose. I have seen when a generator alternator start failing (insulation on winding breaking down) fail and the clients would get shocks in the bath taps, few days later smoke came out an unexpected section of the generator unit :-)

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eddieproc avatar image eddieproc commented ·

Thanks Alexandra. It would not surprise me if there is defective wiring or earthing in the house. I need to get this systematically checked.

What puzzles me is that when Multi is in inverter mode, all is fine.

But when generator is running, I get the RCD tripping out, but the battery charger running fine.

To me, an amateur, this is implying that the multi is somehow set to earth well, but the house is not. If that is the case, can the multi earthing be ~ left on~ while the genny is running

I have not changed anything in the multi.

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Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ eddieproc commented ·

Hi @eddieproc

It can also be the other way round: maybe the Multi is not properly earthed, causing the RCD('s) not to work.

Please have a qualified electrician check all systems!

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