
jefndeb avatar image
jefndeb asked

Cerbo GX Wifi & Bluetooth Lights never stop blinking-

Issue- Both the Wi-Fi & Bluetooth Lights blink all the time, Wi-Fi connection is active & good, VRM works fine, however this issue got my attention when I was trying to connect the app local via Bluetooth, the app just says :fetching Data" but never connects...device is paired and connected....I see "Multiplus" on the device under Bluetooth devices connected....firmware is up to date, looking for ideas.....diagram of our system attached...screenshot-2020-11-06-220525.jpg

cerbo gx
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5 Answers
os2dude avatar image
os2dude answered ·

I don't think this is an 'error' or a 'bug'. From the CERBO GX manual:

Section 8.4 LEDS & Push-button:

During Operation

  • Wifi Access Point LED blinks red: built-in WiFi Access Point disabled <<=
  • Wifi Access Point blinks green: built-in WiFi access point enabled (default)
  • Bluetooth LED off: Bluetooth disabled
  • Bluetooth LED blinks blue: Bluetooth enabled <<=
  • Bluetooth LED solid blue: Bluetooth connection to VictronConnect app established

I think Alexandra's solution of 'Cover Them With Tape' is the only option.

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manny-martinez avatar image
manny-martinez answered ·

did you ever figure this out?

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3dclassen avatar image
3dclassen answered ·

I got the same issue, except everything ist working perfectly, also Bluetooth connection. I would like to know, how to shut down blinking or even the LED´s, because it´s annoying and I don´t understand why they are blinking...
...any suggestions?

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·


Go low tec, stick a piece of insulation tape over it.

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Anthony Beebe avatar image Anthony Beebe commented ·
I have the same problem. Blinking orange (wifi) and blue (bluetooth) lights, but working perfrectly. Don't think I ever saw the wifi light green. Does anyone have an idea what is going on?
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3dclassen avatar image
3dclassen answered ·

I had the fear, that this is the solution... but functional ;)

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Patrick avatar image
Patrick answered ·
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celts88 avatar image celts88 commented ·

Did you ever get this sorted as I've got the same blinking wi-fi & bluetooth lights.

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Justin Cook avatar image Justin Cook ♦♦ celts88 commented ·

This is the functionality of the unit, there's nothing to get sorted. If you look at the print on the Cerbo right next to the LEDs, you'll see the legend as to what the codes are (ie, steady/flashing/etc). If your LEDs are off there's an issue.

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