
mehmet-emin avatar image
mehmet-emin asked

Giving priority to the PV when using TWO SIGNAL mode.

Hi Everyone,

I have a ESS system consist of 48V Li-ion battery, Custom BMS , Victron multiplus II 4kW inverter ,Victron MPPT solar charger and GX device. I have some problems when using TWO SIGNAL mode. Below are the problems that I have faced when using 2 signal mode:

1) When there is only PV connected to the system, I am sending battery full signal by using 2 signal mode. However, battery is feeding the load even though PV still presents.

2) When both Grid and PV are connected to the system, I am sending battery full signal by using 2 signal mode again. As a result of this, Grid is feeding the load even though PV still presents.

What I want is that when I send the battery full signal , I want to feed the load from PV when PV presents.In other words, I want to give priority to the PV after sending battery full signal. Is there any way of doing this ?

Thank you.

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1 Answer
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

all 2 signal mode does is

1. it turns charging off if a hi charge is signaled

2 it turns off loads if a low signal is triggered.

so it you are sending a High signal then this tells the inverter that a battery cell is to high in voltage so it will then apply battery power to reduce the battery voltage so that the high cells voltage will be reduced.

using the 2 signal BMS is NOT the correct way to achieve what you are trying to do.

So please give a detailed discription of what you have and what and how all the assistants are setup and hardware inc model numbers and FW versions that you have connected. Also please explain all the ESS setting that you have in your venus unit (some screen shots of the screen setups would be of help.

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