
thomas-g avatar image
thomas-g asked

How to get node-red Controlling 4x Relays??

Trying to get node-red talking to 4 relays....

i’ve managed to get 4x relays onto a venusPi (with thanks to @PowerAce). But node-red cannot talk to any of those 4 relays.

Does anyone with node-red skills have any suggestions? Attached are two comparisons - one with a venusPi having the standard 1 relay ( and working properly in node-red) and the other showing a different venusPi with 4x relays but not connecting to any of the relays in node-red.

i’m very limited in this area of skills- but can anyone see the issue and what i may need to change to get 4x relays connecting?

Thanks in advance. 3c03e148-7aa2-41d3-9565-4f3802ca9a62.jpegafbdc7e8-8d49-4b1f-95ae-33183b9958cf.jpeg

Venus OS
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1 Answer
mihair avatar image
mihair answered ·

Hi Thomas,

Did you managed to solve this problem and how?

As far as I know, Venus OS large supports now 4 relays but no more. I need 6 ...



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