
derk avatar image
derk asked

Switching MPPT load output on/off every x min (Raspi)

Hi everyone.

ive just assembles a Raspberry pi 4 on a SmartShunt, GPS and on the load output of a MPPT 75/15.

the system is in my camper with 200watt solarpannels. Everything works pretty well!

the Pi and my wifi router sucks arround 0,6 amps. with the cloudy weather this is a bit too much to keep the battery charged.

now my question:

is there an option to use the load output algorithm switching the load output on and off every lets say 5 mintues?

iam not an Pi expert and would be happy with not too cryptic answer ;)

thanks to the growd!!!


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Justin Cook avatar image Justin Cook ♦♦ commented ·

Hi @derk, welcome to the Community!

I have moved this question to the Modifications Space for non-supported configurations, where it is most likely to be seen by other users experimenting with the open-source configurability of Victron components... you'll have a better shot at getting a good answer here!


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