
Serge Della Signora avatar image
Serge Della Signora asked

Hello, Is it possible to connect a BlueSolar Grid Inverter 1500 to a Cerbo GX? Do I need an RS232 to USB or RS232 to VE.Direct interface? Thanks for your response.

cerbo gx
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2 Answers
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

These are not sold by Victron anymore and thus there is no VE Bus connections so you cant connectit directly to the Cerbo, however you could install a grid meter and connect this to the cerbo and then its output would be displayed as a solar tile

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Serge Della Signora avatar image
Serge Della Signora answered ·

Thank you Paul B for your answer.

Indeed the Grid Meter are compatible for the Cerbo GX.

I will go on this solution.

Best regards and good week.

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