
Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem asked

VE.Can for Raspberry PI

I'm considering a Rasberry PI4 as a GX Device. and wonder what others are using for touch display and peripherals.

Is a powered hub essential? I'd have the following attached:

1 VE.bus to USB adapter

2 to USB adapters

1 VE.Can to USB adapter

1 USB touch interface (TBD)


I also wonder what others are doing for a CANbus USB interface. At ~$400, the Victron one isn't cost effective. I found a couple of CANbus interfaces for under $60 on Amazon, one that claims Unix compatibility.

Raspberry Pi
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Justin Cook avatar image Justin Cook ♦♦ commented ·

@Kevin Windrem, I've moved this question to the "Modifications Space" to bring it into view of other users of such systems. Cheers!

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6 Answers
juanmijm avatar image
juanmijm answered ·

Hello, I am sorry to refloat an old post, but I am interested in this, someone has succeeded and could you tell me which adapter could work?

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janieronen avatar image
janieronen answered ·

1. Powered USB hub is not essential as listed adapters are not that power-hungry. But I prefer powered hubs as RPI's own power adapter can be smaller and not lift regulator temps in the RPI board.

2. Did you find a ready-to-go solution to RPI4? I have been reading threads, and looks that there is not yet a ready ported solution for RPI4.

3. Don't have personal experience with CANbus adapters as proposed to use Victron GX-hardware when CANbus is needed. With Cerbo, you can have a cheaper and more reliable setup as no need to use the adapters.

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pmhaynes avatar image
pmhaynes answered ·

i was thinking of buying one of these to CANBUS to my Batrium

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Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

My RPI 4 is up and running Venus GX. Getting a 7" touch screen was a slam dunk with the help provided here on this forum:

I found a link to the RPI4 image:

and more info in this post:

I had no luck with a CANbus interface I bought on Amazon:

So this is on the DO NOT USE list.

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Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

There are many on the list here:

It largely depends on whether you what a hat board or a USB interface.

I went with the CANable USB because it's inexpensive. I picked the isolated version to avoid issues.

Rob Duthie also is working on "Stetson" an adapter board with most of the interfaces you'd find on Cerbo, plus a handful more. But he's waiting on Venus OS RPI4 support for the newer v1.4 board which currently doesn't boot.

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Rob Duthie avatar image Rob Duthie commented ·
Hi All

The Rapi 4 they all work OK now.

Rob D


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Mike Dorsett avatar image
Mike Dorsett answered ·

Beware of some of the cheaper CAN interfaces on the net. Some of the CAN/SPI interfaces use 5V for the SPI levels, this will damage the pi. However, wiht care these can be modified to use 3.3V for the SPI - though the drive to the CAN Buffer chip needs to remain at 5V. If you are up to some delicate hacking, these can be acquired for $35 or so. Does not apply to CAN/USB interfaces.

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