
tony-castagno avatar image
tony-castagno asked

DC Power no longer showing on GX Touch 50 Display

I am no longer seeing DC Loads on my Display ( Have the DC Loads setting to On) also the Battery icon is showing 0W just as the DC Power Icon 0W.... I am on a boat and definitely have DC Loads... Battery is at 100% and connected to shore power and Solar is producing as well. Any thoughts?

dc system
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2 Answers
nebulight avatar image
nebulight answered ·

Can you make sure your cable is seating in the cerbo? I was helping someone with a CCGX and the cable became dislodged. Not sure if this is your case as you state the battery is at 100%, but just a thought.

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markblox avatar image
markblox answered ·

Can you go you settings and see if the HAS DC SYSTEM checkbox is checked

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