
matthias-roetzer avatar image
matthias-roetzer asked

recent VRM web update - vertical vs horizontal chart

Hi, @Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager)

I've noticed the recent VRM update which is great because it can show like the console real time data,

But I've seen that the grid chart is vertical while the others are horizontal! This looks a bit strange to me, just saying for the record!

Best regards,


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2 Answers
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

It was a design decision for that element, as the AC input can be either importing or exporting power, and that is more obvious which is which when vertical and a zero axis.

Others have noted it as well, so it may get a revision.

Happy to hear you are enjoying the update.

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n-dee avatar image n-dee commented ·

Understood - but for me it looks wrong as well.

Question: why Battery is horizontal? Battery is either importing or exporting as well ;-)


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In the VRM dash battery is 0% - 100%,

So not negative.

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Mark Maritz avatar image Mark Maritz commented ·

Thanks for making the change... any chance of the "Active SOC Limit" being added to the battery details ;)

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Mark Maritz avatar image
Mark Maritz answered ·

Would love this to be horizontal like all the others ;)

Maybe a -y and +y for import and export rather?



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