
svsimple avatar image
svsimple asked

Can I use Cerbo GX 2.57 USB ports for powering a USB hub?

I am currently using firmware 2.54 and using all USB ports for MPPT controllers. I understand 2.57 will make one of the USB ports power-only.

I have a USB hub that can be powered from a USB port. Does the power-only port provide enough power to connect the hub and then use the HUB to connect two of the MPPT controllers to it?

cerbo gx
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1 Answer
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

It may work, but it would not be recommended - that port is now reserved for powering the GX touch display, and anything else should be considered unsupported.

Could you not use one of the other ports?

Cerbo -> USB1 - USB Hub data -----|---> MPPT 1
                     ^            |---> MPPT 2
                     |            |---> MPPT 3
      -> USB2 - USB Hub power

      -> USB3 - not used/GX touch display USB

Also I presume that there is a reason you are not just using the VE.Direct ports for the MPPTs?

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