
clement-l avatar image
clement-l asked

Maximum wif-fi password on Venus OS

I've loaded Venus 2.58 on a Raspberry Pi 3B, connected to our Multiplus via MK3-USB. This works perfectly, running the GUI as well.

When connecting to our wi-fi, it seems that the maximum password length seems to be 35 characters. Can anyone confirm this, or assist with the steps to capture a longer password?

Venus OS
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3 Answers
mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image
mvader (Victron Energy) answered ·

Hi, thats right 35 characters is the maximum length.

the length is defined in a qml page with tcp in its file name. Meaning there is a way to extend it; if you dont know how to login and edit files, then see google and or perhaps someone else here can help in more detail.

long password! Up until recently, the limit was 20 characters. No issues with that for years.

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clement-l avatar image
clement-l answered ·

Thank you mvader!

I updated the file and the RPi connected to the wifi without any issues

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jewesta avatar image
jewesta answered ·

Thought I'd share some info on how this is actually done to save others from wasting half an afternoon. If one is not very familiar with Linux it is not trivial to find the qml file. To top it off the file system is mounted "read only" by default. Making alterations to the system files impossible out-of-the-box.

The following steps need to be performed to set the password length to the WPA2 standard of 63 characters. I found it easiest to just connect a USB keyboard and an HDMI TV/monitor to the RaspberryPi to do this.

Each line must be typed separately. The lines beginning with a hash tag are comments for your information.

# Find the directory. Optional. In case the directory structure
# changes in the future. 
find . -type f -name "*.qml"

# Change the directory to where the qml files reside.
cd /opt/victronenergy/gui/qml

# List all mount points. The list will contain several; for
# me the first one was the one I needed. In my case
# /dev/mmcblk0p2

# Make the file system writeable. If I understand correctly
# this change is not permanent
-o remount,rw /dev/mmcblk0p2 /

# The file we want to change is PageSettingsTcpIp.qml. Not
# sure if this is strictly necessary. But I performed this
# step anyway: Make the file writeable.
chmod +rwx PageSettingsTcpIp.qml

# Now use the line editor Nano to change the max password
# length to the standard 63. Nano is extensively documented
# so please just google the commands. Basically you need
# Ctrl+W ("Where"-command) to find the occurrence of 35.
# Then change it and Quit (Ctrl+E) and answer "y" to save.
nano PageSettingsTcpIp.qml

Do not forget to reboot afterwards.

This might be difficult with a non-US keyboard layout. Unfortunately I could not for the life of me find out how to change this to e.g. (in my case) a German layout. There is a question to this effect in this forum, but unfortunately it is unanswered and the topic is stale.

Hope this helps! :-)

-- Jens

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