
Rudi Marais avatar image
Rudi Marais asked

Icon display on CCGX Overview screen

Hi Folks,

Hope someone can enlighten me. I am not able to find any explanation for one of the icons displayed in my CCGX Overview screen.

I would like to know what the meaning is of the icon indicated by the red arrow in the below screen shot - its half hidden behind the yellow PV charger icon.

Any feedback will be greatly appreciated.


CCGX Color Control
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2 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

It is just a "picture" of you MPPT.

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Rudi Marais avatar image
Rudi Marais answered ·

Hello Matthias,

Thank you for your reply.

Why is the same "mppt" icon not then shown in many of the other pictures (like the one below) which I have seen on the internet or in the CCGX manual? Could it have been added during a new firmware release at some stage.

Just curious to know why some show it and others not.



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