
kkk avatar image
kkk asked

No feedback to grid only take from grid to stabilise

Does anybody know how to set the Color Control in such a way that the inverter can use power from the grid to stabilise but no power is put back into the grid during stabilisation?

We have a prepaid grid meter that seems to count only in one direction i.e. the power we put back into the grid is being charged as if we are using that power.

CCGX Color Control
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2 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


Do you have the ESS assistant programmed? If so then zero feed in in the ess menu on the color control will work for you.

If you are using virtual switch then it will do that by default

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Fergus avatar image
Fergus answered ·

I have the same issue where the municipal kWh meter charges me when I feedback to the grid. I have setup ESS with a grid energy meter but the solar SMA output (on Multi AC out) does not cut back the excess energy so it continues to feed the grid no matter what settings are in ESS. The Multi settings have frequency parameters when to disconnect solar (52Hz I think). I believe this does not modulate the PV output, it’s on or off?

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