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ciki asked


A shunt is basically used to measure the voltage drop across input and output, so it could (theoretically) be placed anywhere in the circuit as the current will be the same in any part of a closed circuit. A possible limitation of the Victron shunt could be that the (-) input on the shunt is probably used as the (-) supply for the internal shunt electronics(ADC) which implies it must be placed in front of any loads, seen from the battery(-) side.

In that case it should still be possible to use the following configuration:

Anybody tried something like this? Thanks

The reason for the question: we are planing on "misusing" the BMV700 as an ampermeter in a sub-circuit of our installation, additionaly to the main circuit BMV700 which measures total Amperes. More info on the background of this question:

Using the ColorControl GX in a DC-only system and UI display


BMV Battery Monitor
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