
mtk007 avatar image
mtk007 asked

CCGX seems to be locked on summary screen both locally and remote

Hi. On a sit that has been active for over 8 months, a strange thing started today. System has a CCGX but we can't get past the summary screen to access any menu items. This happens both locally as you physically try to press the buttons to access menu, as well as remotely when trying via remote console. The system is still 100% functional as I can tell from the summary screen which shows flow of power in real-time with no alarms or warnings, as well as from dashboard and advanced pages on VRM, which is showing graphs in real-time up to present time with no issues.

Any ideas what could be wrong?

Thank you

CCGX Color Control
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1 Answer
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

First think to try should be a restart of the CCGX.
Press the upper two round buttons together to do that.

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mtk007 avatar image mtk007 commented ·

Thank you. this worked

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