
brycematson avatar image
brycematson asked

CCGX New Replacement Installation Won't Show Remote Console on VRM

I replaced a defective CCGX and saw the old installation listed on the vrm. I merged the data from the old installation into the new installation (new CCGX). The remote console worked but listed the old installation address. The new installation shows the new installation number with a portal ID that includes "USEDASREPLACEMENT". Then I deleted the old installation to avoid confusion and now the remote console function doesn't work. I rebooted the system but that didn't help. I cannot retrieve the old installation as it appears to be permanently deleted. Perhaps in hindsight I should have kept the old installation. Either way, I want to be able to get the remote console working on the new installation.

CCGX Color Control
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2 Answers
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

have you checked under settings -> vrm that two-way communication is enabled?

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brycematson avatar image brycematson commented ·

Thanks. I already tried that without success and rebooted as well.

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brycematson avatar image
brycematson answered ·

SUCCESS!! I tried adding the new device again even though it was listed as my current CCGX and now the remote console works!

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brycematson avatar image brycematson commented ·

One clarification. Two CCGX devices with the same ID are now shown, one online and one offline but other than that everything works properly. I don’t dare delete the unused device based on my past experience.

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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ brycematson commented ·

Did you follow the replacement process in vrm under settings-> general?

Replace the GX device of this installation

Use this option in case the old GX device is defective and has been replaced by a new one.

Procedure: first install the new device and make sure it is sending data to VRM. At that moment there will be two installations visible on VRM: the old and the new one. Then go to the old installation, the one that has all the historic data that you want to keep. Then go to this page, select the new VRM Portal Id from the list, and click Replace.

Now, there is a single installation again, that still has the old data and all information as sent by the new device will be added to it.

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