
christofferbengtsson avatar image
christofferbengtsson asked

rPi Venus OS: How to show AC/DC load with only MPPT and BMV?

Hi All,

I have just finished setting up my rPi 3+ with a MPPT 100/20 charger and my BMV-712. I have a none-viltron inverter that is working fine so to my my big disappointment the Venus OS is not able to determine the load on the system based on the data coming from the two units connected. This seems odd to me since calculating the load can be done by subtracting the BMV-power from the MPPT-power as I have shown on the attached picture.

Does anyone know how to modify the system so that the load is calculated, shown on the remote console and displayed in the VRM portal as AC load?

Help here would be very much appreciated!

I am running the latest release candidate firmware on the rPi.

Best Regards


Here is an overview of my system in case this helps.

Venus OS
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2 Answers
Jeremy Albrecht avatar image
Jeremy Albrecht answered Ā·

That load calculation wouldn't be giving you your AC load, it would just be giving the DC load used your inverter. The inverter has losses and it's own internal draw, so without knowing that you can't really get accurate information.

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christofferbengtsson avatar image christofferbengtsson commented Ā·

Hi Jsalbre,

Fully understand and I totally agree - so maybe it should be put under DC load instead. But is that possible? Essentially I would like the system to pretend that an inverter is connected and insert (BMV power - MPPT power) into the power field that would normally be displayed.

Edit: and the calculation should be BMV Watt - MPPT Watt to make the load a negative number.


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christofferbengtsson avatar image christofferbengtsson commented Ā·

Hi Jsalbre,

This is totally my bad. I had simply missed the setting of "DC Load" which does show this. My bad.

Thanks for your reply.

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Marnix Keesmaat avatar image
Marnix Keesmaat answered Ā·

Hi, i like the victron-solar-wire-diagram-20.jpg; very nice.
How did you made this? Is it made for example with MS Visio?
Would you like to share the source?

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