
maha avatar image
maha asked

No critical loads on CCGX

On my CCGX I can't see "critical loads"..

A ET340 is installed directly after grid. The ET340 is configured as "Netzzaehler" and activated in ESS. I don't know what's going wrong. Can you help me?

CCGX Color Control
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3 Answers
Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Hi @MaHa

You have to select 'AC output in use' for to get the 'critical loads' in view, or in German:

Wechserichter AC-Ausgang in Betrieb

see 4.3.3:

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maha avatar image maha commented ·
Thank you! Now it works :-)

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Rob Duthie avatar image
Rob Duthie answered ·


To use need to turn on, go the ESS settings tab and change to grid meter on the CCGX or Raspi

to activate the critical loads box,. Depending on what version of software you are running.

As you have a choice of External meter or Inverter charger, As per Screen Shots, before and after.


Rob D


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maha avatar image
maha answered ·

Thank you for your information but I use the last offical release (V2.53) of CCGX and there is no possibility to change "Grid metering". I will try a "release candidate" version...

The result see below :-(

I suppose this is where the mistake lies:

But I don't know what to do...:-(

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ejrossouw avatar image ejrossouw commented ·

@MaHa Similar error here. Maybe an avenue to explore? How long has the system operated and do you know if anything changed before this happened?

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maha avatar image maha ejrossouw commented ·

I think the error occurred after I connected and configured the Fronius. But I don't really know... Surely I know that "critical loads" were previously displayed on the CCGX.

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