
mika2a avatar image
mika2a asked

Screen capture of the CCGX with an energy metter ET112 connected


I would like to see the CCGX screen with a Et112 energy metter connected ?

My solar installation PV MPPT and multi plus are connected on the CCGX. I want to increase my installation with another PV with direct inverter Delta RPIH4A without monitoring. I think with energy meter a will saw only the out power not the PV production.

How is ET 112 display on CCGX ? And what kind onf information i have with ?

Thanks every one


CCGX Color Control
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Rob Duthie avatar image Rob Duthie commented ·


Set up the energy meter setting to display the ET112 device.

You will see export and import power.

Read the manuals on the web site about it.


Rob D


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mika2a avatar image mika2a Rob Duthie commented ·

Thanks Rob, i have reading the manual and i know how hé works. But they is no picture on the screen i would like to sée how the informations are indicated on thé CCGX....

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Rob Duthie avatar image Rob Duthie mika2a commented ·


It shows the load currents etc it does not show the meter as such.


Rob D


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3 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

You will get a yellow box with the current power produced by the PV-inverter.
Depending on where the PV-inverter is connected to your system this box is on different places.
It can look something like the animated picture on the top of the CCGX manual:
You also get a summary of the yield per day and this data is also transmitted to the VRM portal.

You can also search for pictures of the CCGX at google to see a few different possitions of the PV-box:;

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wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

This is a screenshot of my system.
I have EM111 connected on AC-OUT side of MultiPlus, configured as PV Inverter.
It is showing 0W because there are no PV modules connected on that PV inverter today.

1587806438989.png (33.0 KiB)
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Mark avatar image
Mark answered ·

Here’s a screenshot of one of my sites,a 3rd party grid tie inverter being monitored by a Venus gx & grid meter ET112, configured as pv inverter on ac input 1

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