
blue-sails avatar image
blue-sails asked

Has anyone connected a solar panel with an optimizer to VE.CAN charge controller?

What are the field experiences of connecting a solar panel with an optimizer to a Victron VE.CAN charge controller?

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1 Answer
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ยท

I think someone did do this once and the outcome was disappointing.
There is no need to us e an optimiser with an MPPT controller. The MPPT controller will optimise the harvest from the panel it's self, that is what it is designed to do.

Adding an potimiser into the mix causes the optimiser and the MPPT to work against one another resulting in less than optimal yield.

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blue-sails avatar image blue-sails commented ยท

Hi WKirby,

I apologize for my late response, but I got no email notifications of your response.

I appear to have a shading problem on some of the solar panels.

In theory the optimizers should be able to use the output from the panels undergoing shading and not affect the rest of the string. Otherwise, if one of the panels is shaded it will bring down the output of the entire string.

In addition, I think that the maximum voltage from a single solar panel might be below the activation voltage for a single charge controller. In this case the activation voltage for the charge controller would be the battery voltage plus 5VDC or 53VDC, and the maximum voltage from a single solar panel is less than 40VDC.

On the other hand, I can see what you mean about the MPPT optimizer getting on a conflicting relationship with the charge controller.

This makes me wonder if it might be possible to turn off the MPPT on the charge controller and accept the energy coming from the solar panel without attempting to modify it.

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