
adriansantosmd avatar image
adriansantosmd asked

How to Factory Reset 100/20 smart solar?

Sadly, no solution to my Load voltage disconnect problem, I want to perform a factory reset, but the reset i did was just a soft reset, is there a HARD RESET option? I want to to start again before deciding to just return it.

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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ยท

@adriansantosmd you will find your answer here.

The answer discusses a reset of history and factory reset.

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Luca Barbierato avatar image Luca Barbierato commented ยท

Dear Alexandra,

in my case, the BLE connection is down and I would like to reset it to the factory reset. Is there a way to manually apply a factory reset?

Kind regards,


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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE โ™ฆ Luca Barbierato commented ยท

Without Bluetooth you need a to USB cable or Bluetooth dongle.

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