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neilbridgeman asked

MP2 AC Out for Critical Loads


I am trying to design my home system and am struggling to find the answer to my problem.

I would like to install a MP2 to an existing system and add batteries. No problem here. However I would like the option to use those batteries to supply me with power in the event of a power cut. The option is there with a MP2 so why not utilise it.

So my question is, if I have one single fuse board and take one circuit in to ‘AC IN’ and a second circuit from the same fuse board to ‘AC OUT 2’ will this work? What I mean is will this then continue to power the single fuse box that I have through the ‘Critical Loads’ output of the MP2?

I am clearly worried about back feed into the grid during a power cut so does the MP2 somehow stop that or will I need to install a changeover switch so that the grid is isolated while there is a power cut from my system?

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