
sammy avatar image
sammy asked

Switching off a Quattro via extended remote with a CCGX connected

When you connect a CCGX to a multi/Quattro with an extended remote on-off switch, why does the multi still remain ON despite the remote switch being off? We wanted to remain off so that we can save on power. Quattro 8kva/24v

@Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager)

CCGX Color Control
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1 Answer
JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ยท

Hi @Sammy

I don't believe that switch will work while connected to a GX. But you can switch it off at the GX itself or via RemoteConsole from even the other side of the world. The setting in the GX rulez..

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sammy avatar image sammy commented ยท

Thanks @JohnC

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