
jawian avatar image
jawian asked

How to get connection between CCGX and Linux Ubuntu OS


We are building a hydrogen-range extender for big pleasure boats.

We hoped we could use the CCGX to monitor our hydrogen fuelcell, and transmitters for pressure and tempreture on the hydrogen tank.

We will focus on victron products to manage and monitor the batteries.

How do we connect to the CCGX through a Linux Ubuntu computer, and what connection is required for this type of job.

We plan to develop drivers our selves and install them unto Venus on the CCGX.

Best regards Jakob Andresen

Project Manager at Zero Emission Yachting

CCGX Color Controllinux
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1 Answer
jbakuwel avatar image
jbakuwel answered ·

Hi Jakob,

That sounds like a fun project :-)

Your email lacks some detail though. For example what role is your Linux computer going to play? What software will it run for what purpose? There are various ways to interact with Venus, all well documented on the Victron wiki.

Are you aiming to display you fuelcell sensors on the CCGX user interface? Are those sensors connected to the Linux computer or to the CCGX?

kind regards,

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Related Resources

Additional resources still need to be added for this topic

CCGX Product Manual

CCGX Product page