
gbarnaud avatar image
gbarnaud asked

How to organise the tiles on CCGX display


I supervise the energy system of a workboat by VRM. It is composed of 2 identical battery systems each monitored by a CCGX.

The display the guys prefer is the one below, but I can't find out how to have them both displaying identical information tiles and at the same place.

Despite my relatively long researches in this wonderful wealth of infos.

Thanks for your help and keep safe !!!

CCGX Color Control
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7 Answers
JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

Hi @gbarnaud

You can't change the tiles, unless you're into coding (google 'Victron open source').

Different GX firmware? Tribord would appear current, and Babord perhaps older? As of today, v2.52 is the latest.

Or you have different kit connected.

Or your settings are different.

Or.. dunno..

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Mark avatar image
Mark answered ·

The tile's available depend on what devices are connected.

But to change what's displayed you can use remote console on a touch screen device and simply swipe the bottom row over.

Note that this works best when using a LAN connection to the Venus device. When using remote console over the internet there is lag and it can take a few attempts.

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ejrossouw avatar image
ejrossouw answered ·

@gbarnaud Looks like the software versions are not exactly the same as one shows a victron logo and the other not. Are these up to date and aligned?

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dunnp avatar image
dunnp answered ·

Mark is correct - just 'slide' the bottom row of tiles to the right or left to make them match. There are only two layouts - one with the Victron logo and one without (as per pics above). This is do-able on the Remote Console (from a browser) - not sure how you'd do it from the CCGX buttons.


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JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

I'm still learning too. But the two screen layouts can be changed with the < and > buttons. Breaks my heart that I didn't know this already, but there ya go.

Works with the CCGX alone, or browsers. I can't speak for touchscreen functions. But yeh, a button press away from making them at least look the same.

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gbarnaud avatar image
gbarnaud answered ·

@dunnp, @Mark, congratulations and thanks. I did it from my Android phone on the VRM app, it worked perfect. Then I tried with my laptop on VRM, works also perfect.

Now below how it looks like. No sun today in Monaco, maybe didn't show up for confinement purpose...

@JohnC, @ejrossouw, both CCGX are permanently connected to internet, no way they can't have the same soft version. Regarding coding, I'll wait for my retirement to start...

Thanks all, keep safe

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gbarnaud avatar image
gbarnaud answered ·


Thanks, that's even more simple... but I'm far from these CCGX. Sure now I understand how were the tiles changed on the display !

Monaco is sunny today, the BMS told the solar chargers to sleep because batteries are 100%.

The busboat is stopped for confinement reasons...

Thanks all

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