
aizen avatar image
aizen asked

Easysolar inverter led blinking

Hi guys, have managed to add the ESS to my system via VE.configure...the issue is the inverter led is currently on grid power, battery on float state, ESS mode keep battery yet to add solar error code in my Rpi running Venus os this normal?

EasySolar All-in-One
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2 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·

Hi @Aizen yes it is normal.

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aizen avatar image aizen commented ·

Thanks for quick response. Should I worry about the battery discharge on VRM portal while on the rpi it shows float?

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ aizen commented ·

@Aizen I have no idea on this one. Our Easysolar is using its built in Color control for monitoring. If your system is behaving as it should be locally then I would not worry about the system itself.

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aizen avatar image aizen Alexandra ♦ commented ·

This issue was happening even in HUB 1 assisstant....I had to remove the assistants and reinstall the multi plus firmware to restore normality...

Currently running the system without any assistants....just don’t know why ESS and HUB 1 are draining my back up battery...could it be a bug in Venus os 2.51

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ aizen commented ·

The ESS and Hub will work better when you have Solar panels installed. that's where they are designed to work. For now it will be just a back up power solution as the only way for it to charge is Grid.

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aizen avatar image aizen Alexandra ♦ commented ·

Thanks...will update after installation of the panels

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aizen avatar image
aizen answered ·

Have also noticed that on VRM portal it shows battery discharging despite power requirement is less than 400w....grid is connected and stable

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