
svsimple avatar image
svsimple asked

Fuse for Cerbo GX

The Cerbo GX manual says to use a 1A fuse, but the Fuse that came with the unit is rated at 3.15A (model written on the Fuse: F. T3.15A E250V P).

What is the correct replacement fuse I should purchase?


cerbo gx
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2 Answers
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ยท
As you say the fuse should not blow before the supply is cut from the Aux port. That is normal.

The difference between a 1 A and 3 A fuse is negliable from a safety perspective. But the 3 A is superior, it has less resistance, less voltage drop, and more tolerance for a less than perfect connection, so itโ€™s better to use it, but 1A will still work.

In this case when there is a current limited supply, it is less important, but I would never say a fuse is pointless, its purpose is in the event of a fault.

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Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ยท

The correct fuse size is 3.15 Amp.

There was a mistake in the original manual, it has since been corrected in the master and should be published Monday.

Did the supplied fuse blow somehow?

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svsimple avatar image svsimple commented ยท

Thank you for the information Guy... and thanks for the private email as well!

The "slow blow" part in the manual was correct, right? So 3.15A Slow blow fuse?

BTW, no, the fuse is not blown. Since this is on a boat that is often away from shore, I always like to have spares on hand! :-)

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Slow blow is better if you can find it. But a fast blow will also be acceptable as a substitute if necessary.

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allan-fraser avatar image allan-fraser Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) โ™ฆโ™ฆ commented ยท

The system schematic downloads (on the site) that feature the Lynx BMS all show the Cerbo being powered from the Lynxโ€™s AUX port via a 1A fuse.

Further, the Lynx BMS manual states โ€œIt is recommended that the system includes a GX device powered by the AUX port.โ€.

The maximum continuous current rating of the AUX port is 1.1A according to the Lynx BMS manual (several places).

Two questions.

  1. The Victron documentation is inconsistent. The schematics have a 1A fuse between the Lynx AUX port and the Cerbo whereas the Cerbo manual has a 3.15A fuse (and that is what is supplied with the unit). Which is correct?
  2. If a 3.15A fuse is correct, isnโ€™t this somewhat pointless because the AUX portโ€™s internal resettable 1.1A fuse will blow long before the 3.15A inline fuse?

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