
aizen avatar image
aizen asked

Easysolar settings requests

Hi guys, my setup includes easysolar 48/3000va, with bmv700 and rpi 3B+ with Venus os....kindly help me set it requirements

1. Absolutely No feed to the grid

2. During the day, solar is used to run the loads after the battery are fully charged...using solar

3. Grid to be used only at night or when solar isnโ€™t available or sufficient

Thanks for your responses

EasySolar All-in-One
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3 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ยท

Sounds like a "simple" ESS configuration.

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aizen avatar image
aizen answered ยท

Thanks for prompt reply....does the ESS feed back some power in its normal operation?

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra โ™ฆ commented ยท

It can but you can tweak a few other settings to prevent it. In the manual M.Lange linked check out 4.3.12 Grid set point to prevent this, and in Mode under ESS menu on GX set to always keep battery charged, section 4.3.

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aizen avatar image aizen Alexandra โ™ฆ commented ยท

Hi Alexandra, am getting my panels installed in Kenya and grid feed in is strictly not allowed. To use ESS, which grid code should I select so as I can apply the above?

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aizen avatar image
aizen answered ยท

Hi guys, my easysolar has this in the controller chip....2620158..

Which firmware should I upgrade to for ESS?

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra โ™ฆ commented ยท

If you have the adapter and Victron Connect and internet, the program will download and update your unit to the latest firmware. Then ESS will need to be programmed in using VE Config or can be done over the VRM if you are online there. But this should really be done by someone who has some training or at least is familiar with the products and programs.

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