
elias avatar image
elias asked

Easy solar 3000 48- Mppt 150/35 switch off

I have an installed system using easy solar 3000-48, Mppt 250-35 connected to color control. The inverter is switch on and working but the solar charger is switch off i checked all wiring and measure all voltage from panels etc all good. I restart the system it seitch on but later again switch off. What can i do in this case.

EasySolar All-in-One
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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra โ™ฆ commented ยท

@Elias Is this the Easy Solar all in one? Like the ones in this link

Or are these separate units? I could not find a manual for the Easy Solar with the MPPT described.

Was the unit purchased new?

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4 Answers
elias avatar image
elias answered ยท

@Alexandra , the product is easy solar 3 kva as mentioned in the link above. It was purchased 3 years ago.

And the easy solar is connected to the color control , and a BMV is also available. Please if you have any suggestion or help advise. Waiting for your reply.

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JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ยท

Hi @Elias

With respect, you'll really need to be more precise with your info for us to help you. Like you describe 2x different mppt's in your question, but if you have an unmodified 3yo 48/3000 Easy it will have a 150/70 aboard. But it also has a 35A ac charger too.. So this throws doubt around, and any answers may be meaningless. Indeed even misleading if they're addressing something unintended.

Where are you seeing it 'switch off'?

What does 'all good' for panel V mean?

I appreciate you may not be intimately familiar with your kit, and it's fine to say so.

If possible, some relevant screenshots of your GX screen/VRM graphs/(LED's if you're looking at them) would help us to help you.

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elias avatar image
elias answered ยท

@ JohnC, the easy solar 3 kva has 2 built in Mppt 100-35 , so as you mentioned a charger of 35 A , the switch off we can see it on the color control and we are not able to switch off, i means by' all good' V panels that we have voltage from the panels means the solar panels are working properly.

I will attach some screen shot , maybe could help to get any suggestion from your side

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JohnC avatar image JohnC โ™ฆ commented ยท

Ahaa, one of the slightly earlier ones, which morphed into an all-in-one box, CCGX aboard, but with the same functionality. And a single /70 mppt.

What you have is 2x 35A mppt's, PLUS a 35A AC charger.. and it's that ac charger that all the led's on the front panel refer to.

So yes, you need to view (both) your mppt's on the GX. (Or VRM if you're hooked up).

It's amazing what one screenshot can do to set your background. Now we need more, like something that shows at least the actual panel V and mppt state.

Also, might you have 'extras' in force, like DVCC or even ESS functions?

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elias avatar image
elias answered ยท

@JohnC, attached screenshot showing the status of the Mppt and panels voltage, as you notice there is voltage from panels but mppt status off and i can not switch on. Everything else is working. What do you think the problem and how coul be solved. Thak you for your help.

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JohnC avatar image JohnC โ™ฆ commented ยท

@Elias Ok, healthy Vpv, not under 'External Control', just 'Off'.

First thing to try is a reboot of the GX. Go 'Device List' > 'Settings' > 'General' > 'Reboot?'. It'll take a few minutes, so be patient. It won't shut your power down. Hang about to watch it happen, and note any alarms that might show. These would normally be highlighted by a triangle warning to the left of the time on the upper bar.

Now this *should* fix it. If it doesn't, please try to tell us more about your system, eg what sort of batts, BMS? or protective devices installed. DVCC or ESS installed? Check your isolators and fuses.

If you're using Pb batts, 45V is at a critical level, and if you have a backup ac supply then perhaps it's time to use it. That may also help to clear any doubts re your charging circuitry.

But come back..

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