
James F Walsh avatar image
James F Walsh asked

BMV 702 battery capacity change

I have one starter battery of 105 amp hours capacity and a two battery house bank of 210 amp hours capacity total. I have set the capacity to 210 which I presume will give me accurate readings for the house bank but how does the monitor know the state of charge for my starter battery? Does it presume that also has 210 amp hours capacity? Wouldn’t the state of charge for the starter battery always be off by 50%? My battery switch isolates the starter from the house bank and I am never drawing on all three so I presume I should not set the capacity to 315 amp hours.

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1 Answer
JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

Hi @Orion Jim

It doesn't measure/calculate the SOC of your starter battery. Only of the bank to which the shunt is wired.

If you have the 7x2 model with the aux function, then you could select that to show you V of the starter batt. That's usually enough for most people where the batt isn't cycling.

Sorry if this disappoints, but it is as it is..

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