
PeterM avatar image
PeterM asked

ESS with Quattro zero feed not adhered to

Friend has a new system ( Quattro 469, GX v2.42,MPPT v1.46, Battery Monition V6.8 , Lithiumwon on canbus ) installed by a professional installer . I have been given monitoring rights and I see at times that as much as 200W is fed to grid when grid feed has been set to zero . This occurs in short bursts ( I guess less than 1 minute which is the sampling times of the portal ) . The installer blames the firmware on the battery which I find weird!. I have notice than there is no external current probe or energy meter meter on the system . Could this be the issue? Can you fit an external probe to a quattro?

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter ChargerESS
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3 Answers
H.W.Oelofse avatar image
H.W.Oelofse answered ·

Greetings, the condition that you are describing is one that we are quite familiar with when using ESS this is the result of an overshoot when there has been a relatively large load that drops off the system. If this situation is not causing any issues with your utility meter then it may be ignored but if it does trouble you then it would be useful to go into the ESS settings menu and adjust the grid setpoint upwards to about 200 watts and see if that resolves the backfeed into the grid. Every installation is different and sometimes starting at a setpoint of 150 watts works well and some installations like our own use a 50watt grid setpoint with no issues. It usually takes some trial and error to find a setpoint that will work best for your installation and help prevent backfeed to the grid. Hope this helps.

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Rob Duthie avatar image
Rob Duthie answered ·


Yes there should be some sort of energy meter or CT so it knows which way the current is flowing.

Note depending on the loads, there can be a short burst of injected current as the inverter transfers form loads to battery and grid etc.


Rob D


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PeterM avatar image
PeterM answered ·

There does not seem to be a problem in principal - the quattro should know all the currents and directions as it has internal current sensors and the grid is directly connected to it , no loads or generators between Quattro and Grid

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