
peter-vddriessche avatar image
peter-vddriessche asked

Connecting to a CC GX over the internet through ModbusTCP

I have a GX Control and want connect to it over the internet with ModbusTCP. The device is connected to the internet trough a cable modem. The device reacts to a "ping" request on its address, but I cannot establish a ModbusTCP channel. All simulators I have tried indicate the device does not react. I use the standard port 502. Any idea what could be wrong?

CCGX Color Control
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2 Answers
Justin Cook avatar image
Justin Cook answered ·, I suggest referring to the GX Modbus TCP Manual for a detailed view of how to set up connection; without being in front of your installation I'm not sure what the appropriate solution will be for you, as it's likely there's just a single step being missed somewhere, but the manual is always a great place to start. You may also be interested in the "Modbus TCP Register List" spreadsheet, which is available for download in the Whitepapers section.

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peter-vddriessche avatar image
peter-vddriessche answered ·

Hi Justin, Thank you for your suggestions. I have been looking at the manual and the register list. But they mainly treat how to talk to the CC GX once a connection is established. I do not succeed in establishing it, so probably I'm doing something wrong with the IP addresses or so. Or there is problem because the site has fibre internet and thus there is another modem in between the web and my own internet access modem.

If anyone has an idea about potential causes and solutions, I'd be glad to hear.

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