
Jon S avatar image
Jon S asked

Color Controller GX does not show DC loads


I have an all Victron setup, including Lithium, CCGX, Quattro,Lynx ion Shunt, BMV, and MPPTs. The CCGX does not show DC loads. It only shows Grid/Genset, Invert, AC loads, PV, and Battery. Maybe I need a BMS with shunt to show all loads, but I thought the Lynx Ion 1000 shunt would show everything coming in and out of the battery. Maybe I am wrong.

I also read the below setup info in the not so good online manual the last sentence being somewhat surprising.

Rated at 1000 A


Setup is like setting up a BMV and this is done via the CCGX or VGX.

To find out the meaning of the various settings, please see the BMV manual

Please don’t use the 2-pin terminal block on the Lynx-shunt.

I noticed 2 wires in a snap in block not plugged in. when I plugged it in the ah usage became more accurate, but does not show up as a DC input output on the screen. It shows with in the shunt screen. Unplugging it has the amp hours much less. Plugging it in has it more accurate.

Is there a better schematic for this shunt? How do I get DC info to show on the CCGX?



CCGX Color Control
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1 Answer
Riaan Barkhuizen avatar image
Riaan Barkhuizen answered ·

Hi @j0n.st3wart,

Did you enable "Has DC System" under the CGX System Settings menu?

Best Regards

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Jon S avatar image Jon S commented ·

I did not do the original config. I checked this was not set and that was the problem. Doh!


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