
bomadsen avatar image
bomadsen asked

Is there LiFePo4 low temperature charging protection for Orion-Tr DC-DC and MultiPlus?

I am planning to buy a 100Ah LiFePo4 battery for my RV, and manage/use it with a Multiplus 1600VA inverter/charter and Orion-Tr battery-to-battery charger.

I have read the manual for the multiplus and orion, and can see that they can limit charging when the battery gets too hot...which is nice, but I am unable to see if they can stop charging when the battery is below zero degrees. Can they? :)

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4 Answers
Justin Cook avatar image
Justin Cook answered ·

@BoMadsen, unfortunately the Smart Orion-Tr B2B charger does not have a temperature sensor or provision at this time for VE.Smart Networking which might allow it to connect to a Smart BatterySense to turn itself off below freezing.

A BMV-702 or -712, however, with the optional temperature sensor installed, could be programmed to open its internal relay when temperature is <5C, and you could use that relay-out to trigger the remote on/off of the Smart Orion, thus achieving the same thing.

As for the MultiPlus, we don't have the MultiPlus-II here in the US, so I'm not sure if it varies greatly in programming from the regular MultiPlus. I know the regular MultiPlus as well as the MultiPlus Compact has "lithium mode" under the charger settings, and this mode does disable charging below 5C when the MultiPlus temperature sensor is connected, but I can't speak to whether or not the MP-II has the same functionality. I would expect so, but strongly encourage you to independently verify that with your distributor.

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bomadsen avatar image bomadsen commented ·

Thank you for the explanation Justin, I am just switching from cheap aliexpess inverters to the good stuff (Victron), so I have still much to learn on how the different components should be combined. Very educational response :)

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michalis-vousdoukas avatar image michalis-vousdoukas commented ·

I am about to purchase my components and I am also stuck on the same problem. I often go skiing and since I built my 200Ah LiFePO4 battery myself, I would like to be sure that I will not charge bellow 0oC.

I want to charge my battery from MPPT100/20 and Orion Tr Smart 12/12-18A and I would like to clarify the following:

- I need the BMV temperature sensor only for the Orion, while the mppt will be connected to Smart battery sense? Or can the BMV send temperature information to both?

- Is there an example of the connection between the BMV and the Orion?

Thanks a lot!

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jsackspot avatar image jsackspot michalis-vousdoukas commented ·
Did you ever resolve this scenario (add a temp sensor to a non-temp-protection BMS) Victron setup?
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richard-owens avatar image
richard-owens answered ·

I understand the need to protect LiFePO4 batteries from charging at low temperatures. But, what I would suggest is rather than try to find a way to stop charging at low temperatures, instead, find a way to heat the batteries to keep them within a range appropriate for charging. To that end, you might consider reptile tank heating mats. They can be purchased with their own thermostat, use very little power (typically 5w-20w, depending on their size), and will gently heat the batteries themselves, rather than the area around them. I would also suggest that you enclose the batteries in an insulated case to provide greater temperature stability. Of course, another approach would be to locate the batteries inside your living area where the temperatures are going to be more moderate.

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bomadsen avatar image bomadsen commented ·

I was considering this, as the car always have 230v when it is parked, so the drain from heating pads would be fine. I just had a hard time finding temperature controlled pads, but I must admit I have not tried looking for them in the reptile department, thank you for the tip :)

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Justin Cook avatar image Justin Cook ♦♦ bomadsen commented ·

@BoMadsen, along the same lines, a number of my customers are using 12v snowmobile handgrip warming pads... they're available on eBay or Amazon for usually $5-10 US, and they're self-adhesive, powered directly by 12v, and can be connected to external digital thermostats or just a simple toggle switch - or, for that matter, connected to a relay that's turned off/on by the relay of a BMV with a temp sensor.

Just another area to search in when you're looking around for options!

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

This should be done by the BMS.

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bomadsen avatar image bomadsen commented ·

That would be optimal, but all (that I have been able to find) low and mid range batteries lack this feature. If you go for a high end battery some will have it, but they cost three to four times as much as the cheaper batteries. Therefore I am looking for chargers that has the low temperature protect...

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edgargw22 avatar image
edgargw22 answered ·

You battery monitor should monitor both high and low tempertures. IMHO, I would recommend Victron BMV-712 with blue tooth - lots of settings and historical trend reports.

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