
mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image
mvader (Victron Energy) asked

Venus OS v2.41~1 available for testing

Hi all,

This morning we have released beta version v2.41~1 for testing. There is only two changes, and the planned time to make this into v2.41 is extremely short. The goal of v2.41 is to fix issues caused in v2.40.

Best regards, Matthijs.

ps. If you don't know what this post is about: this is about our GX Product range, and this post is aimed at all the members of the Beta test group. See this information on how to join (and leave) that group is here.

Changes in v2.41~1

  • Fix setting the tank capacity not working on the Venus GX. Thank you Craig W for reporting. Bug was introduced in v2.40.
  • Fix BYD communication issue. Bug was introduced in v2.40.
  • Improve enabling of Remote Console on LAN and VRM on the CCGX. A change several version ago made it possible, but not likely, that setting (or disabling) the password wasn't stored to disk properly, causing Remote Console to not work.
Venus OS
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