
willowfarm avatar image
willowfarm asked

Which generator should I use for Victron Multiplus II 3kw?

please can someone advise a compatible generator for multiplus II inverter charger 3kw?

The advise is vague...I want to know DEFINITE generator that will connect to Victron without problems.

Any advice/suggestions?

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3 Answers
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Hi @willowfarm,

I wrote a guide here with advice for selecting a suitable generator for use with a MultiPlus -

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willowfarm avatar image willowfarm commented ·

Thank you...I have read this. I was looking fort actual brand recommendations from experience.

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Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) ♦♦ willowfarm commented ·

Did you follow the first step of the advice and contact your local Victron Dealer to see what models are available locally to you that are known to work well with Victron equipment?

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willowfarm avatar image willowfarm Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) ♦♦ commented ·

my victron dealer is terrible and no longer communicating with me. he has said I need to ask Victron :(

so here I am

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Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) ♦♦ willowfarm commented ·

I am sorry to hear it.

There are over 750 dealers linked in the where to buy page, and there should always be a few to choose from, perhaps try again with the next closest who may be able to better serve you?

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willowfarm avatar image willowfarm Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) ♦♦ commented ·


We decided to buy a better generator.
We got 7kw Hyundai...just connected it up.

The Multiplus is showing AC input at 230v 0W, however its still saying 'AC disconnected' - is this because our batteries are full/healthy?

Should it say 'AC diconnected'?

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Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) ♦♦ willowfarm commented ·

Hi @willowfarm,

Please create a new question, so others can see it and also find the answer later.

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Todd Landfried avatar image
Todd Landfried answered ·

I know this! i just went through it.

i dont know where you live, so I don’t know what’s available where you are, but use these guidelines.

1. What‘s your budget?
2. Oversize the generator for the total capacity by at least 33%. (I’d go 50%) and use the running output , not the surge output, for that math.
3. Get as clean a power source as you can, meaning use pure sine wave over modified.
4. IMPORTANT: Match the input voltage. If your Multi is 120v, don’t go plugging a 240v generator into it. Be aware charge voltage matters as does plugging into a GFCI outlet on the generator-be ready to go and reset the outlet a lot if there are high-amp draws like motors that kick in regularly..

5. If you‘re looking at a portable, spend the extra $200 or so to do it right. You‘re welcome.

Find one that fits those basics and your integration should be pretty seamless. The Multi is a pretty impressive device.

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frost avatar image frost commented ·


About pure sine wave: do you need an inverter generator for that? My takeaway from the Generator FAQ was that inverter generators are problematic.


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matty-kernow avatar image
matty-kernow answered ·

were you happy with your choice? did you figure out the teething problems? can you send a link to the genny you got in the end

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allswell avatar image allswell commented ·
Yes please, I'm having a heck of a time trying to figure out the right genset to buy to guarantee it will be able to hook up into my system.

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