
matsekberg avatar image
matsekberg asked

SmartSolar select the wrong SmartShunt to get data from

I have a setup in my RV with two batteries (engine and service), a Orion XS between them, smartshunt on both batteries and a smartsolar connected to the service battery.

Without networking the service battery voltage can be read of three devices and the readings seems ok given some tolerance:


When I join all devices to the same network strage things happen. SmartSolar now shows the voltage of the engine batter read over!

Still charging the service battery but showing readings from the engine battery:


I could maybe remove the engine battery smartshunt from the networking but that seems odd.

Any ideas?

VE.Smart Network
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3 Answers
delf67 avatar image
delf67 answered ·

The point of the smart network is to share information between devices that are connected to the same battery.

What are you trying to achieve with the second smartshunt on the engine battery? What do you want it to communicate with?

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Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


It is mentioned in the manual

"It is not possible to measure multiple battery temperatures/voltages/charge currents: only one Smart Battery Sense or one BMV can be used in a system. Multiple sensors connected to different batteries can lead to charging issues such as overcharging or heating up the batteries"

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delf67 avatar image
delf67 answered ·

You do know you can measure the engine battery voltage with the smartshunt on the service battery using the auxiliary input? Provided they have a common negative.

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Related Resources

Additional resources still need to be added for this topic

VE.Smart Networking Manual