
mito avatar image
mito asked

two or more Offgrid systems in Parallel as parallel generators?

The request is for a case similar as when we need to connect 2 or more 3phase Generators in parallel. A typical case when we have loads that exceed single generator, so we connect some more in parallel. They sync frequency, phase and voltage and serve loads together.

Can we try the same concept , when we have a need for more than a single system (each with their own inverters and battery banks) and we don´t want to grow in a single bigger one , because the need is temporary and/or we have several standalone hybrid generators available.

Can outputs be linked together, provided that we can have grid (or generator or a reference sine wave) at the inputs of each, for sync, not to serve loads, but to provide phase and frequency sync to the outputs.

Is there anybody using this concept and exchange ideas of what to take in consideration for the project.

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1 Answer
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

You can't parallel multiple independent systems with common outputs.

You would need to split your loads across the two systems.

Some people have cascaded systems, it is still unsupported, but it is done.

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·

And a simpler solution would be to split the DB and have several independent systems running. Being as it is temporary the complexity of set up is easier that way. And more reliable than (a potentially not) synchronised monster.

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