
shayner avatar image
shayner asked

Can I disable the ground relay in a Quattro when using non-compliant grid code?

On a quattro 15,000 using non compliant grid code the ground relay check box is greyed out in ve configure. Is there a work around for this? I would like to use an autotransformer on the output and use an external grounding relay.

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2 Answers
shayner avatar image
shayner answered ·

Ended up finding out the answer myself. My quattro wasn't updated to the latest firmware. The new firmware allows you to uncheck the ground relay and use an external one in the auto transformer.

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Thanks for reporting back. I was also looking into it to find an explanation.

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ehsab avatar image
ehsab answered ·

I would also like to know the answer to this.

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Related Resources

Ground, earth and electrical safety

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