
david-eber avatar image
david-eber asked

Looking for Multiplus Firmware files

It's silly but I can't find the firmware files to update my Multiplus 12|3000|120-50|120V inverter. I have validated I have a "new microprocessor" starting with a "27" and I have been all over the professional page. Just that the firmware folder only has articles on how to do it...all saying to go to the professional site to get the firmware you need to upload. I'm at V159 and trying to find V552.

Hoping someone can direct me to where I can get this file. I have to assume I am doing something wrong and that's why I can't find it.

Current system is:



Capt. Dave

firmware update
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2 Answers
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

Use Victron connect app, it will force an update to the current version and the file is embedded.

Else, it is sitting in the vebus folder for 27 devices - 500 firmware folder 2702552.vff - with all the other firmware, so not sure how you missed it.

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If I remember correctly VictronConnect can't update from 1XX it needs to be already at 4XX.

In that case you need to use VEflash:

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david-eber avatar image
david-eber answered ·

found it... I did not open the folder. Since I saw all the files I thought it was open. By clicking on the "27..." folder it opened and I then saw all the sub folders.


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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ commented ·

Easy fix then :)

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