
eric974 avatar image
eric974 asked

EV Charging Station : Use only grid and not solar

Hello everyone,

I have had a Victron photovoltaic installation for around 3 years and I have just purchased an EV charging station.I normally have everything configured and as shown in the screenshots below the devices communicate well together. On the other hand, regardless of the mode used Manual or Automatic, the EV Charging Station always uses energy from the grid and never excess solar production.

Could you please help me ?







ev charging station
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dognose avatar image dognose commented ·

Hmm? Your question doesnt match the example images?

- you complain the charger is pulling from Grid

- but screenshots show that - out of 8 kW solar - youre charging 5kW and even feeding 4kW back to the grid?

Numbers don't align anyway: 8kW Solar - 1300 Battery Charge - 1300 AC - 5.7kW Ev..... where is 4kW FeedIn comming from?

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eric974 avatar image eric974 dognose commented ·

PV charger = 8kW = 1,4kW in battery + 1,7kW in use + 4,4kW injected on grid
AND 5,7kW for EV use directly the Grid and not Solar

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3 Answers
ton-gans avatar image
ton-gans answered ·

Do you have the EV charger on AC-OUT 2

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eric974 avatar image eric974 commented ·

I don't know where the EV charger is connected (it's not me who installed it)

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Evgeniy Labunskiy avatar image Evgeniy Labunskiy eric974 commented ·

Looks like charger is connected before inverter, so it’s on grid. You can check it if you turn off inverter, than charging should continue. If so, there is no mistake - you have 4.7kWt going to grid from PV, EVCS “eats” it + feed a bit from grid (maybe to ensure sustainable charging power to your car)

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Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

You'll have to check with the installer where the EVCS is connected.

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eric974 avatar image eric974 commented ·

Thank you, I'm going to review this with him.

Do you know if it is normal for the screen to jump (see video attached) ??

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jose-1973-mr avatar image jose-1973-mr eric974 commented ·

A mí también me pasa lo mismo. Se queda la pantalla bloqueada en "loading". Encontraste la solución?

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dognose avatar image
dognose answered ·

It seems like you have connected the ev charger in a way, that it is not visible to the multiplus / gridmeter?

In your example screenshot, the AC is less than the EV station consumes alone. This indicates, that the value of the ev station is fetched directly and displayed, but the system has no idea, where the load is actually located. (And therefore cant react properly)

It seems like you have connected it behind the gridmeter, which is therefore displaying 4000 FeedIn? When connected between the meter and the multiplus, the grid meter should read something like +1200 with the current numbers.

Same should be the case, when it is REALLY connected to AC Out of the multis - the multis should then recocgnize it as AC-Load (unless the victron ev-station is mathematically removed from these figures, but I don't think so)

(And AC should be 1300 + 5700, branching off the 5.7 for the EV)

At least in my case, consumption of the ev charger is always included IN the respective AC Consumption.


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eric974 avatar image eric974 commented ·

Thank you. In fact my connection must not be correct...

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dognose avatar image dognose eric974 commented ·

If you draw (or describe) how everything is wired together, we may help you to get that sorted.

Also you should mention, if you are using a grid-meter, or using the Multiplus-Metering without additional meter on the AC-IN side.

In the later case - with an AC-IN connected evcharger - it should theoretically work out, if you set the EV-chargers position to AC-In. IIRC, the system then will conclude, that the "AC-IN-Load" is actually the measurement of the multiplus + the AC-in connected ev charger.

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