
Donald W Patterson II avatar image
Donald W Patterson II asked

Smart Battery Protect Error 1

I have a Snart Battery Pretect 220 installed between my loads abd the rest of the victron DC equipment. It had been working fine for 9 months, yesterday all dc went down on my boat. Traced it to the SBP. It showed a E1 short curcuit. Tested the rest of my loads and found no short curcuit, by passed the SBP with no issues. Removed all wires from the SBP and let it sit for a minute or two then tried to reconnect it in the system. Same error E1. Is my SBP fried?

Battery Protect
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2 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

What loads are connected?

Try to disconnect the output and restart the BP.

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Donald W Patterson II avatar image
Donald W Patterson II answered ·

The load is the rest of the boat loads, about 600 watts. I removed the SBP completely (no wires) for about 2 minutes then reinstalled itm turned it on and it errored E1 in a few seconds. Every thing had been working fone for 9 months and I didn't change anything before the errors started happening.

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Remove the output wire, restart the BP and let the output wire removed to let the BP start without anything connected to the output.

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Donald W Patterson II avatar image Donald W Patterson II Matthias Lange - DE ♦ commented ·

Okay I disconnected the load side and started the BP, I had 13.58VDC on both the input and the output, I then connected the load cable to the side and started powering up devices, Got the E1 error. Started over, Disconnected the out put load cable restarted the BP, got 13.58VDC on both sides, connected only a 12watt load (a radio) onto the load side of the BP, the Voltage dropped to 11.54VDC on the out put of the BP while the Input side was still 13.58VDC. If I add anymode load it throws the E1 error.

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